Are you looking for a life coach in Massachusetts? I’m actually in Connecticut, but I live literally 35 feet from the line. I was born there and we are planning to move across the line at some point. My family has been in Massachusetts since the pilgrims hit the beaches of Plymouth 400 years ago. Both of my kids live in Mass, so I think that’s where we will end up. Most coaching these days is done over the phone or via skype/zoom. It’s still nice to be able to actually meet who you are working with. So if geography is important and you are the Springfield area, maybe we can work together. I do most of my life coaching and business coaching over the phone. But I’m happy to get together if that is important for you.

I have corporate clients that I typically work with during the day. So nights and weekends are when I work with individual clients. For many people with traditional jobs, this is an ideal fit. If your needs are intensive or if you have special scheduling requirements, than we might not be able to connect the way you need. Also, I’m closer to Western Mass. So if you need a life coach in the Boston area or on the cape, I might be available for occasional meetings, but most of our contact will be via email or phone. I will make the trip to Nantucket or Martha’s Vineyard if I absolutely have to 🙂 Remember I’m not there to hold your hand, you’re going to be doing the bulk of the work.
Life Coach in Massachusetts
Most people have an idea of what coaching is about. It’s not always what people think. I’m not some guru that you have to run all your important life choices by. If you do want to move into “Wu Wu” topics, I’m happy to go there. But if you want to stay grounded in tracking and reaching goals, I’m good with that too. If you want to address business issues, over the years I’ve worked on everything from satellites to nuclear contamination. So if you want to focus on career issues, I’m sure we can have a meaningful conversation. If you are dealing with loss of a loved one, cancer, or recovering from abuse, I have a lot of experience as well. I am certified as a life coach by the Certified Coaches Alliance. I’ve also been trained in hypnosis and NLP.
Start a Coaching Conversation
Do you want to find out if I’m the right Massachusetts life coach for you? Just reach out and we can have a conversation. I’m happy to do a short phone call to talk about your goals and what makes sense working together. I try to focus on goals during a 100 day period. It is long enough to get something done, and it is short enough to not be overwhelming. Lets setup a time to talk.